The 'E-Sports Detergent Benefits'

The Federal Progressive Party (PFP) — in English, Progressive Federal Party, and in Afrikaans, Progressive Federal Party — was a political party in South Africa formed in 1977. He advocated the circulation of power in the country with a federal constitution, instead of apartheid after that prevailing. His leader was Colin Elgin, which was later changed by Frederik Van AYL Lambert and also Zach de Beer, yet the best-known representative of this training was the legislator Helen Guzman, who for several years had actually been the only white member in Parliament South African that opened up freely to apartheid as well as abuses of the racist routine.

In addition, the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party, the Kyeong-joon's defense of the Kyeong-joon, the defense of the tax-specific laws), which is evaluated for the E-sports promotion, passed the National Assembly Parliamentary of December 2. E-sports name as a regular exercise event, which is a tertiary for tax special law from next year.

The amendment contains 10% of its costs when a company establishes and operates the E-Sports Game Street. At the full meeting of the 30-day Progress Finance Committee, Yong Hyung John said, Even in the case of recreation, it will be considered to support the establishment of detergent, which will support the foundation and equity of the creativity, he said.

The domestic E-sports industry has seen high growth rate each year since 2017, and the scale of 2019 increased by 22.8% YoY to about W140bn. E-sports are adopted as 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, and expectations for Korea's e-sports in the world are becoming bigger.

However, the difference between investment and sales is also continuously increasing and has become a problem. Domestic e-sports industry has grown rapidly, but the difference in investment has reached a change in sales, and the difference in investment reached US $19270 billion, and W35.26 billion won in 2019, and about W45bn in 2020. Domestic pro-game teams are not even in chronic deficits even where large companies operate.

Workers were also known to be poor. Most of the coaching staffs were contracted, and the amateur player has not signed a written contract for more than 30% of the amateur players. Coaching staff and players are not as an affiliate.

The government announced the Third Innovation Strategy of Content Industry in 2019, and established the E-Sports permanent stadium ▲ Establishment of the E-Sports permanent stadium ▲ It is a total of W3.8bn in the Budget, etc. There was a limit to support. If e-sports are added to the deduction of the company's motion of the company and the destination of the operating tax deduction, it seems to be more fundamental support, such as reducing frequent dismantling of the club and improving the treatment of athletes and career.

While preparing the bill, Mr. You, Hyung John confirmed that it was a deep sigh of the workers behind the dazzling act of E-sports, said You Byung-soo, said that I am very happy to aggressive support and the need for e-sports I said. This revision, I hope that this revision raises the employment stability of the worker and contribute to ensuring the sustainability of the sports ecosystem.

In addition, the London emphasized that overseas countries aggressively expand the e-sports market, such as actively introducing Korean professional gamers in the future.

The Benefits of Esports Lee, Women said, The majority of the domestic game ends are difficult to manage in a lower revenue. This is an important issue that is directly linked to the athlete. Furthermore, companies are hesitant to revenue, and emphasized that they are worried about revenue.

Lee said, The law will be able to enhance the establishment of the E-Sports game, and the competitiveness of our e-sports events will be facilitated by passing the legislation. Welcome to the bill. We promise to be sold out to our facial activities for our E-sports development in the future, said it is said that it is a recent solution to the solution of the agency issue of sports players.


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