Castlevia Cosplay brings together Trevor and Sypha

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Stlevania Fans fired with love from Trevor, Sypha and Alucard earlier this year when Netflix s popular animated series came to an end, although fans were thrilled when hearing a new vampire-centered series was on path of Powerhouse Animation, it will return. To the world of videogame adaptation. The fourth and last season of the animated series gave Trevor and Sypha a happy ending, with Belmont, managing to survive his fight against death and the couple joining Alucard to create a new society using the location of Dracula s castle as his point focal.

The next chapter of Sastlevania s The adaptation of Netflix will not follow the family trio of Trevor, Sypha and Alucard, but it will venture into the future during the time period of the French Revolution, telling the history of the descendant of the Belmont clan. Richter Belmont, the next bearer of the whip of the new series will be the focal point, having appeared in Games of Castlevania as ring of blood and symphony of the night to name a few. While it is likely that Trevor and Sypha do not play a role, it is definitely possible that Alucard returns not only thanks to its popularity, but also considering the role it had to play in siminia of the night, which is an entry of the franchise that What is often considered the best of the series.

La Merry Motho shared this couple of cosplay that brought the two vampire hunters from Netflix. Stlevania Once again, who managed to survive the fight against Dracula himself, as well as the numerous attempts that were made to bring back the Lord of the Vampires of the Tomb:

Sypha is pregnant | Castlevania Season 4

Sastlevania is not the only adaptation of video games from which Netflix will have been part of your library, with video game series such as FAR Cry, Devil May Cry, Cuphead, The League of Legends and Cyberpunk 2077 to name a few. With the transmission service, being successful in video game adaptations such as The Witcher, Dota, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil to name a few, Netflix seems to be in a tear when it comes to merging his platform with that of the worlds created by the games.

What do you think of this cosplayer duo of Sastlevania ? Do not hesitate to let you know in the comments or contact me directly on twitter @evcomedy to talk about comics, anime and the world of vampire hunters.


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