COG considers: why are there

Today on COG Considers we approach the heavy subject of mental health. Specifically, the diagnosis widely discussed and misunderstood of dissociative identity disorder, a controversial and very debilitating conditions including medical and psychiatric communities are still learning. It is often referred to in pop culture by the catchy label but medically inaccurate disorder multiple personality, which is apparently not a reality despite countless years of media trying to convince us otherwise. Until recently, many experts disagree on the question of whether or not the DID was one thing, but between new evidence revealed and the fact that there are many people who have their lives permanently affected and disturbed by this, it seems to change. I m not an expert in DID, but I like doing research. Here s what I learned from a simple Google search.

The DID result of trauma. It is closely related to posttraumatic stress disorder. Often this comes from child abuse, a link that has always been questioned or ignored for many reasons - one of them being that no one wants to face the frequency with which children are injured again and yet, the worst way, by people they should be able to trust. brain activation studies confirmed that distinct physical states exist for different personalities. More importantly, DID is a real thing that happens to real people, most of whom were victims of horrible circumstances and are just trying to live their lives in the fallout, which makes putting all these horror games featured a kind of double murderous personality. embarrassing.

Yes, this is a classic horror trope, but many classic horror tropes make me say Yikes! when I look at them now. Take Halloween. Great movie, great atmosphere, Michael Myers is incredibly intimidating. This is the movie that established the rules of the slasher genre. This also gives a really ugly picture of anyone who has stayed in a psychiatric hospital, although most psychiatric patients are a danger to themselves. The murderer escaped mental patient is now a mainstay of horror media, drowning the very real horror that persists in many mental health facilities to date: the bad and horrible systemic treatment of patients whose complaints and protests will not never taken seriously. Just like that, the victims of a real horror story become the villains of a fictional history, and fiction drowns reality.

This is not the first time that such a situation occurs. Just look at the depraved gay archetype that is slowly left behind by the revelation that the LGBTQ + people are actually still people. Look at the archetypal woman trans predator who rises to replace it. Now, remember that trans women are murdered in real life because people are afraid.

Ok, it sucks, but what does all this have to do with the separate personalities used in video games? It s simple: with few exceptions, DID people with are not dangerous for you. They have enough trouble getting hold together. It s understood? Well. Think for a moment. When was the last time you saw a video game character with DID and he was not a serial killer, a murderer or violently unstable?

Keep on going. Take a minute to think. I ll wait.

Have you found? I had problems. There Jill Danganronpa genocide, but no, it is literally a serial killer with a huge number of bodies although it is nice to the protagonists. Arkham The Devil May Cry 3 killed his wife. Rosetta Ster The wolf Riding Hood rouge are a classic angelic child with a lethal duo shadows protector. Tueur7 the crew are professional killers... probably is confusing. Tira Soul Calibur is not only a murderer, she is addicted to murder. The only recent example of a character reaches DID that has no blood on his hands is Prémonition mortelle This is Francis York Morgan and his partner Zach, but even so, this implies that something supernatural happens. Also, spoilers for a game released ten years ago and its sequel, but one of them disappears in the end. Violations real people DID generally fall short of solving the problems of too clearly.

The Francis York Morgan special agent returns to DeadlyPremonition2! Its unconventional tactics include strange behavior like frequently speaking to its invisible friend Zach, but it gets results, especially in unusual cases.

The mystery starts 7/10:

  • Nintendo of America (@nintendoamerica) June 26, 2020

So yes, it s a problem. But beyond that, is not it a little boring to tell the same story again and again? Psycho already done. Battyhomme already done. Fightclub already done. Hell, avocat ace already done, and even they knew they had to change things to keep people on the edge of their seat. It s no longer surprising. It s not shocking. It s hardly angry. Even if you do not care about the damage that can cause a false representation of a real condition, you can at least try to be more creative.

If you are sitting on a game that stages a killer with DID, think twice. Do you really need this torsion? And if it was a false that deliberately tackles the irrational lives of the public and that this character was, you know, a real victim? And if they had no connection with the murder? Would that make a more interesting experience? As a game developer, it s your job to look at these opportunities before engaging in this old bloody road.

If you have rejected everything and you really need your murderer to be hidden in a harmless character, ask yourself if act would be enough. Many real killers claim to be innocent. Some are so good in this area that they are doing with murder. But what happens if acting is not enough to cut it? Remember to enter the kingdom of the paranormal to bring the change of form, the possession and all these fun tips. Possession - and exorcisms - have their own cultural baggage and mental health, but it is nothing compared to the stigma that is currently surrounding Did. In addition, you can be very creative with how possession is manifested, the consequences that could have on the victim and how to fight it, when you demonstrate creativity in the functioning of separate personalities, people will throw you the books. Medical. As for the change of form... this one is just fun.

Do all your best to avoid retreating the same tired plot. The murderer with multiple personalities is no longer cool. It s old, it s boring, it s medically inaccurate and, above all, it s criminalizing a condition that real people live. People who have been so badly injured broke like a plate and are now trying to keep the pieces together. Leave the tranquil.

It in Real Life. Horror Movies Based on True Stories

One last information I found by writing this article? The British Journal of Psychiatry has published a recommendation that DID must be out of the shadows and considered a common psychiatric disorder. One of the reasons listed was to avoid unnecessary direct and indirect societal costs. In other words, a leading medical review is concerned about how society treats people diagnosed with TDI.

Food for thought.

Look too


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